1.motor specification
- Motor 72V/7 kw single motor
- Battery : lead
- Direct drive wheel inside the motor
- The standard built-in charge : 72V ~ 165 Ah
- Controller
2.Manufactured structure for studying motor control driving principle of electric vehicle with the naked eye
3.Configure the electric vehicle motor control experimental apparatus
- key Box System : 1SET
-Key Switch and Connecting Cable Set
- Controller : 1SET
- Electrical control contactor modules : 1SET
- Charging parts set : 1SET
- Charging system : 1SET - Electric motor 72V/7kw single motor : 1SET
- Key box system, the controller, the control module contactor, the charging system, the motor is included to be made to the motor control apparatus for an electric vehicle experiment
- Delivery, installation, training can be conducted in line with software for setup using CAN communication